
Dreamer. Writer. Lover. Stranger. Wife. Artist. Philosopher. Mother. Daughter.

Defining a woman with words is akin to caging a bird. There is a history to each of us that make us who we are. Thousands of lifetimes that we’ve lived. Millions of memories we’ve made. Traumas we’ve overcome. Stories that shape us into who we are today. Each moment, we die and are reborn in the next. Over and over and over again.

My relationship with art and writing has waxed and waned over the years. The more I studied art, the less I loved it. The more I forced myself to write, the less I wrote. The more I dreamed of being an artist, the more people told me that it was just a dream. So I walked away for over a decade. But the itch remained.

Stepping away from both writing and drawing has given my creativity the room it’s needed to grow. To stretch. To reawaken. So here I am.

I have since fallen in love with the process of digital drawing and have integrated it with my former love of printmaking. Being able to endlessly alter and edit and reinvent in multiple layers really speaks to me. Unlike other mediums, it’s non-permanence aligns well with how I enjoy creating. Perhaps I find it a reflection of how I see life. People. Time.

I may not be able to share much about my art in words other than that. It is my hope that you find something here that you connect with visually or emotionally. If not, I hope you are simply inspired to revisit your former self. To see if there is a dream there you still need to follow. To give yourself permission to be reborn and to remain undefined.

So Hum.
